Not part of the plan | Trusting God with the twists and turns of your story

11 October 2024

Not part of the Plan is a book written by sisters Kristen Clark & Bethany Beal this book has been such a comforting read since my relationship break up its been really hard because i was also engaged planning a future with someone and having all the wedding plans sorted for there to not be a wedding now and no future together it has been difficult to come to terms with but i have been so incredibly blessed to have such amazing family and friends around me that encourage me and knowing that Jesus is my saviour helps so much in times of uncertainty 

This book is perfect to dive deeper into understanding sometimes things don't work out and Jesus is in  control and everything will work out in the end 

They also include stories from their own struggles and bible scripture to read when your feeling uncertain and ways to pray when you get overwhelmed by emotions it's only normal to have these emotions having such a great support network of people has helped me and knowing that The lord Jesus is always there and has something better planned for me always helps and brings such a comfort to me in this season of now being single again. 



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